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Is Comparing Providers Really Worth It?

The short answer: absolutely! By comparing providers, you can get personalized, competitive quotes - ensuring you will have a quality job done at the right price. Complete our form above to shop free AC & Heating installation quotes from local professionals today!

Average Prices for AC & Heating Installations

Putting a general price tag on AC & Heating systems is not an easy task. When considering a system for your home, prices greatly differ depending on your home size, brand of system, current ductwork and more. Typically, however, a simple AC & Heating change-out project can cost you between $6,000 and $8,000. A full AC & Heating replacement, on the other hand, can cost between $9,200 and $12,300 - but expect a higher price tag if you plan on including add-ons (humidifier, zoning system, etc.) to your project.

When Should You Pull the Plug on Your Current AC & Heating System?

A general rule for AC & Heating systems is to perform a full replacement every 10 years. Major shifts in AC & Heating technology have taken place within the last 30 years, which can greatly affect the air quality and temperature within your home.

Aside from the age of your system, some key signs of a much-needed repair or replacement are clunking sounds, poor air quality within your home, component failure, and more.